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Learn more about the complexities of an abusive relationship and discover the tools available to break the cycle of domestic violence.

"What matters in life is not the starting point, but the journey. Walking and sowing, in the end, you will have something to reap."

                                                                                      Cora Coralina

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a global challenge that affects countless women, leaving a trail of destruction and trauma in their lives and that of their relatives. This form of violence often settles silently and, in most cases, remains hidden from the authorities, fueled by feelings of fear, threats, embarrassment, and, sadly, financial dependence. This reality often frustrates the possibility that aggressors will be held accountable judicially.


Currently, Brazil ranks fifth in the world ranking of murders of women. According to the most recent study of the Brazilian Forum on Public Security, 2022 witnessed an increase of 6.1% in the records of femicide, totaling 1,437 cases. In addition, there was a 16.9% increase in femicide attempts.

In 2022, in Brazil:

- Approximately 35 women were subjected to physical or verbal aggression every minute.

- About 28.9% of women - equivalent to 18.6 million - reported having suffered violence or aggression at some level, which is the highest rate in the historical series of the survey.

- Every minute, 14 women were victims of physical aggression such as slaps, punches, or kicks.

- Almost 6 million women faced sexual offenses or forced attempts at sexual intercourse.

- 51,000 women were subjected to violence throughout the year, a number comparable to the capacity of a football stadium.


Every day, an astounding number of women, young people, and girls face various forms of violence. These forms include harassment, sexual exploitation, rape, torture, psychological violence, aggression by partners or relatives, persecution, and - gloomily - femicide. Gender violence manifests itself in varied ways and with different intensities. In fact, it is a recurring phenomenon that permeates both public and private spaces, reaching its most extreme point in murder cases.


These alarming figures highlight the urgency of a collective effort to fight domestic violence and promote a safe and respectful environment for all women.


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The five forms of domestic violence provided for in the Maria da Penha Bill


Slaps, punches, kicks, and any other use of physical strength against a woman.


Destruction of documents, cell phones, clothing; also, financial exploitation.


Swearing and offenses in public environments.


Any sexual act committed against the will of the woman, prohibition of using contraceptive methods to oblige her to become pregnant or carry out an abortion.


Verbal aggression, humiliation, threats, embarrassment, isolation.

Operador de telefone


Ligue 180: Ligue 180 ("Dial 180") is a hotline of the Center for Women in Situations of Violence, a public service, free of charge and confidential, available 24/7, accepting anonymous complaints. The National Ombudsman for Human Rights (ONDH) also provides assistance in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) to expand access to reporting channels. This option is available on Disque 100 and Ligue 180, accessible through the ONDH portal and the Human Rights Brazil app.

Disque 100: Dial 100 - Dial Human Rights is a public service of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship to receive reports of Human Rights violations, especially those perpetrated on vulnerable groups. It also shares information and guidance on actions, programs, rights and protection, care, and accountability services available at federal, state, municipal, and Federal District levels.

Women's Police Station: Although all police stations are available to serve all audiences, some specialize in supporting women victims of violence. In Brazil, there are 492 police stations specializing in the care of women. If there is no such service in your municipality, it is possible to seek assistance from the city's police station of reference.

Military Police: If you feel threatened and in danger or witness a woman under attack, call the Military Police, 190.

Platform To Help Women SOS Mulher: The online platform the Government of the State of Sao Paulo created gathers crucial information to help it find the necessary support. Click here to check it!

Find Support and Guidance: The SOS Fala Mulher Channel is here for you!!

Please bear in mind that you're not alone - talk to someone who can help. Explore the SOS Fala Mulher Channel at the bottom of this page: We offer humanized care with guidance and support to women victims of domestic and family violence, both in Brazil and abroad.

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Empowering Women,  Strengthening families
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